Carol Walnum, MA, LPC, Jungian Analyst
Portland, Oregon
Given the issues we face in our daily lives and the emotional pressures endured in the COVID period and after, therapy may be helpful to you. The variety of difficulties of this continuing mass trauma and world difficulties can make our life problems more difficult.
Our therapy work is a process that reflects your interests, needs, and social reality. We work together with care and attention. More fully engaging with challenging, painful issues can result in growth and insight.
With Jungian work, a fuller way of living can become possible. My practice is based on the interrelationship of body, soul, and mind. Adults and younger adults over 25 years are welcomed.
Depression, anxiety, work-related stress/burnout, historic or current trauma, relationships, and life changes are central subjects of the practice. BCBS and PacificSource insurance. Direct pay and out of network clients welcomed.
Carol Walnum, Jungian Analyst
Portland, Oregon
During these current and difficult periods, the heart of our work is a therapeutic process that is organic for you.
I provide psychotherapy and coach clients to maximize their strengths. In addition, I coach clients' self-healing capabilities so they may gain insight and achieve higher quality of physical and mental well-being. By engaging in Jungian analysis or therapy, improved ways of engaging in life can become available. A more fulfilling way of living becomes possible. Adults and younger adults over 25 years are welcomed.
My practice is holistic, integrating body, soul, and mind. Central subjects of the practice are depression, bereavement, anxiety, work-related stress or trauma, relationships, and life changes. BCBS and PacificSource insurance. Direct pay and out of network clients welcomed.
Your call is invited.
Carol Walnum, Jungian Analyst and Licensed Professional Counselor, 503-287-1526.
Jungian work includes ways of more clearly working through current difficulties, longer term repeating patterns, and engaging with change in one's life. I work with people who have issues stemming from the COVID period, including worry, anxiety, fear, and bereavement.
I encourage you to engage with me in learning about symbolic attitude in life. I will encourage you to remember your dreams and to bring them to therapy. I strongly invite you to look into your unconscious via dreams, fantasy, journaling, or other means of inner work.
Clients working with me via confidential teletherapy say the practice is a supportive place. They enter into difficult subjects without encountering judgment. They say I am clear and respectful, honest and reliable.
Exploring Therapy
Exploring Therapy
More than anyone ever knows, people from all walks of life choose to enter therapy. Why? Because all of us experience difficulty, confusion, and turmoil. All of us deeply desire to grow and heal, to come through our dark nights of the soul and emerge into light again.
I help people explore issues or problems, questions or difficulties in ways that are meaningful to them. Working together, you can gain insight from the confusion, messiness, and distress in life. I am seasoned and experienced in establishing deep, secure therapy and often long-term therapy relationships. I work carefully with you to go beneath current “symptoms” to what is truly troubling you.
Working With Dreams
Working With Dreams
Jungian psychology works to integrate the unconscious in therapy. Dreams come from the unconscious. All of humankind regularly dreams, remembered or not. We enter into day dreams, night dreams, musings and reveries, nightmares, dreams for community and more. For thousands of years, in all world cultures, dreams have informed individuals and groups in central ways. Dreams are part of us still. Dreams are vital. Dreams communicate to us in symbolic language, code, active images, feelings, or other forms, almost forgotten in current times. As Carl G. Jung wrote, “it is the way of dreams to give us more than we ask,” and they are invaluable in the process of therapy and life. How are your dreams informing your life?
Therapy For Young Adults
Therapy For Young Adults
I invite young adults 25 years and older to call to briefly discuss their issues and interests over the phone and to make an appointment if they wish. This phase of life invites us into conversation whether you are coping with depression, experiencing major change, or any number of other topics or issues. You are invited to explore the section on Young Adult Counseling.
To Reach Carol,
Call 503-287-1526
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