Counseling and Therapy Services

Entering Jungian therapy helps to approach the difficult problems of daily life.  Jungian Analysis, which is longer-term, is a strong support to help resolve unwanted recurring patterns, address crises, find meaning in life, and often purpose as well. Neither means you can’t handle your own problems.  Quite the contrary, choosing to explore difficulties or look for ways to better live life are courageous, significant personal decisions.  Often, they are necessary decisions for your well-being.

As a psychotherapist I work with people who experience symptoms or feelings of:

  • Depression
  • General Anxiety, PTSD, Social Anxiety, Dissociation
  • Loss and Grief of any kind
  • Low self-esteem, self-worth, or self-confidence issues
  • Unfulfilling and / or continually difficult intimate relationships
  • A need for coaching or support — as in beginning or ending school, moving, new job or job loss, loss of relationship, career concerns
  • Mid-life difficulty and crises
  • Issues repeating, returning in more difficult forms. Stressors of all kinds
  • Adult children of self-centered parents or current or former partners / spouse (narcissism) with self-absorbed traits
  • Issues in the Third Phase of Life

Overlapping issues or issues not falling neatly into categories.

  • Possibility and grace in crisis
  • A more authentic, fulfilled life
  • Living in the present rather than in the future or the past
  • Support as you explore what is trying to get your attention.
  • Inner issues linked to body issues.

Why do people come to therapy?

One response to this question is that regardless of our age, a part of us that we have always counted upon feels lost. Sometimes, we sense we are running out of energies or resiliencies that helped us in earlier times, or we are missing something deep inside us that we need to develop. Sometimes we hit problems that reoccur or are very difficult to handle.

Young Adults

Each generation and the individuals within them have unique situations.  In the first half of life, we are establishing ourselves, a demanding time.  Sometimes, earlier life has created difficulties that intrude now.  We seek work or a path that matches our passions, a significant other to share life with, adventures to pursue, children to raise or not, and often education and training beyond what we have now.  Therapy can address difficulties that occur in this part of life.

  • My practice serves young adults coping with the legacy of childhood trauma, however that is characterized. I have a solid track record of working with younger adults as they approach and work with issues stemming from early years.  I suggest to you — it is more helpful to confront difficult emotions and thoughts in therapy.  You gain experience and more understanding about how and when you feel overwhelming emotions, a lifelong benefit.
  • Young professionals are served by my experience and background when they are challenged by issues such as management structure and personalities, career path strategies and decisions, interpersonal professional relationships, or comportment issues.  I have a extensive, successful experience in assisting younger people to move forward in their professional life.  The difference between coaching and my approach to therapy for these issues is that I am skilled in addressing personal subjects you are dealing with along with specific work challenges.

Mid-Life, However Defined

A “mid-life crisis” can be true for both men and women. These times don’t reflect a specific age but instead point to a developmental time of life, different for each of us. These times are often hard to navigate alone. Our issues can be savage or difficult, however, I want to encourage you: working in therapy or analysis can invite hidden or forgotten parts of ourselves to emerge as well as previously concealed opportunities for strength, insight, and growth to unfold.

When an inner situation is not made conscious it appears outside as fate.

― C.G. Jung

As we age, the changes and chances of life may weigh upon us. Perhaps we begin to wonder about our life’s purpose or other central questions that arise. These are not trivial questions or moments. They can have spiritual and other implications for how we consciously choose to live the next years of our lives with creativity and purpose. Jungian analysis is especially suited for mid-life issues.


Consciously preparing for elderhood and later life can lead to “aging” instead of “getting old.”  Aging is a process which involves inner reflection and decisions. For many, about the time we are 60 years of age, our egos have much less control over what concerns us and what we will do in the last third of our lives. Motivation and drive for purpose often comes from within rather than from without. Discussing such matters, whether they are practicalities of retirement, the search for deeper meaning, or confronting illness, change, or loss are important for one’s mental and physical health.

People of all ages come to analytic therapy sessions. They find a confidential place to discuss private matters and to find a person who will listen deeply to what is going on.  Trained in Depth Psychology and certified as a Jungian Analyst, I bring attuned listening skills, in step with what you are seeking within your deeper self.

Is it just me?

More than anyone ever realizes, people from all ages and all walks of life choose to enter therapy. People want or feel they need to explore what is going on inside them. You will need to find a currently licensed, sensitively attuned psychotherapist or analyst who most closely matches your needs and goals.

To Reach Carol,
Call 503-287-1526

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